

2024-2025 Bus Routes

2024-2025 School Bus Route Information

Parent Portal-Grades

AERIES Student Information System - Login for Parents and Students: Grades, Classes, Assignments, Attendance

ParentSquare - Communications

Victor Valley Union High School District uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications.

Board Meeting Agenda

Current Board Agenda and Minutes

Information about Measures A and X

Please make an informed decision before you vote, and remember to vote on Measures A and X.

LCAP 2024  Document

We would like community input in developing a Local Control and Accountability Plan.

Employment: Job Postings

Classified job opportunities.

Classlink Launchpad

Classlink Launchpad Login

OCR- Data Update 2023

September 7, 2023: Office of Civil Rights- Update

Career Technical Education - Resources

Find CTE resources here...

Bullying and Harassment

If someone bullies, harasses, or is disrespectful toward you, do the following-STOP : WALK : TALK


CatapultEMS - School Emergency and Tip Line

District News

District Calendar