Developer Fee Schedule


Developer Fee New Rates

Effective Monday, January 21, 2025



What are School Developer Fees?

• Effective January 1, 1987, Assembly Bill 2926, Section 17620 in the California Government Code, authorized school districts to levy school developer fees on new, remodels and additions for residential and commercial/industrial development projects.
• The legislation provides that no Building Permit may be issued until the school districts certify that any fees due have been paid.
• School Developer Fees are a one-time fee that are not associated with and will not be added to your property taxes.

Why are these fees necessary?

• Additional development projects within the District, whether new residential, commercial/industrial construction or reconstruction involving increases of an assessable area greater than 500 square feet, will increase the need for reconstruction and upgrades of school facilities.
• Without the addition of new school facilities and/or reconstruction of present school facilities, any further residential and/or commercial/industrial development projects within the District will result in a significant decrease in the quality of education presently offered by the District.
• Substantial residential development and commercial/industrial development are projected within the district’s boundaries, and the additional students generated from these projects will impact the existing classrooms and schools within the District. As a result, conditions of overcrowding may exist and may impair the normal functioning of the district's educational programs.

What are the revenues collected for?

• School Developer Fees can only be spent on capital facilities projects to mitigate the impact of new development and the students generated from such projects.


Developer Fee Instructions

To expedite your request, please email a copy of the following to Juan Medina at - :

1. The official City of Victorville or City of Adelanto School Facility Fee Worksheet
2. The official San Bernardino County Building and Safety Division Permit Requirements

Please provide a minimum of 24 – 48 hours to prepare documentation. You will be emailed when your documents are ready to be paid and picked up.

NOTE: ONLY CASHIER'S CHECKS payable to Victor Valley Union High School District (VVUHSD) or EXACT amount in CASH will be accepted for developer fees.

The City and the San Bernardino County forms will provide the following pertinent information to enable completion of the Certificate of Compliance:

Complete name/complete address of the Builder/Developer/Owner
Site Address:
County APN:
Tract # / Lot #:
Permit Number:
Total Living Square Footage:

Developer Fee Schedule As Of: January 21, 2025

  Residential Tier Commercial
             VVUHSD - (Zoned with Victor EL)   $2.95   $0.48
             VVUHSD - (Zoned with Victor Adelanto)   $1.66   $0.27



  Residential Tier Commercial
              VVUHSD   $2.95   $0.48
              ORO GRANDE   $2.22   $0.36
             TOTAL - Oro Grande
                            VVUHSD Collects Both
  $5.17   $0.84



  Residential Tier Commercial
              VVUHSD   $1.97   $0.32
              HELANDALE   $2.35   $0.378
             TOTAL - Helendale
                            VVUHSD Collects Both
  $4.32   $0.698





             Adelanto School District 760-246-8691 Ext. 10254
             City of Adelanto 760-246-2300 Ext. 3057
             City of Victorville 760-955-5100
             County of San Bernardino (Hesperia Office) 760-995-8140
             Snowline School District 760-868-5817 Ext. 7152
             Victor Elementary School District 760-245-1691
             Victor Valley Union High School District 760-955-3201 ext. 10228