Victor Valley Union High School District
16350 Mojave Drive
Victorville, CA 92395
Phone: (760) 955-3201
Fax: (760) 245-4634

Injury & Illness Prevention COVID Addendum

Prevention Plan Manager:  KATHLEEN HARDY
Effective Date: OCTOBER 1, 2020                     
Revision Date: OCTOBER 1, 2020

1.    Purpose


1.1       This document provides guidance for VICTOR VALLEY UHSD businesses operating in office workspaces to support a safe, clean environment for employees regarding the current pandemic of COVID-19 in Office Workspaces. The guidance is not intended to revoke or repeal any employee rights, either statutory, regulatory or collectively bargained, and is not exhaustive, as it does not include health orders, nor is it a substitute for any existing safety and health-related regulatory requirements such as those of OSHA.

1.2       This Worksite-Specific COVID-19 Prevention Plan may be amended as procedures and guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and OSHA are changed.


2.    Worksite-Specific Plan Scope


2.1       Each VICTOR VALLEY UHSD office location shall establish a written, worksite-specific COVID-19 prevention plan and must assign a Prevention Plan Manager for each site.

2.2       The Prevention Plan Manager is responsible for ensuring that a comprehensive risk assessment of all work areas is performed for the designated office location.


3.    Responsibilities


3.1       Prevention Plan Manager

Has the overall responsibility for the implementation, documentation, maintenance and review of the Prevention Plan at this office location. Additional Prevention Plan Manager Responsibilities include ensuring the following:

A.    Train and communicate all employees and employee representatives on all aspects of the site Prevention Plan.

B.    Conduct prevention plan evaluations of the office workspace to ensure compliance with the plan, ensure all protocols are in place and being enforced.

C.   Ask any employee, subcontractor, or vendor who is observed not following these VICTOR VALLEY UHSD safety measures to leave the site immediately and make proper follow-up notifications.

D.   Document and correct any deficiencies identified during prevention plan evaluations or upon notification or observance of any recognized deficiencies

E.    Investigate all COVID-19 illness upon notification to determine and identify work-related factors that may have contributed to the infection.  Employee is to be referred to Personnel immediately, all illness and tracking reports are vetting through Asst. Superintendent Human Resources or Director, Classified Personnel.

F.    Update the plan as needed to mitigate potential exposures following investigation efforts

G.   Implement corrective steps when physical distancing is not possible and potentially exposes employees for 15 or more minutes or employees come into contact or close proximity (within 6 feet) of infected employee or persons.

H.   Ensure all VICTOR VALLEY UHSD employees, sub-contractors, vendors or anybody else making contact at all school sites, district complex and facilities are checked in daily.

I.      Designate separate routes for entry and exit into office spaces to help maintain social distancing and lessen the instances of people closely passing each other.

J.     Discontinue nonessential and non-critical activities.

K.    Discontinue nonessential travel.

3.3       Managers and Supervisors

A.    Implement the policy with their staff.

B.    Collect copy of each employee’s Daily Assessment or Self-Screening log form and forward to the Personnel office when applicable.

C.   Require sick workers/employees – and those displaying flu-like symptoms – to stay home. (“Worker/Employee” means worker or employee for the VICTOR VALLEY UHSD , subcontractors, designers, consultants, etc.)

D.   Send employees home immediately who show signs and symptoms of flu-like or acute respiratory illness symptoms (see section 5, Appendix A and D).

E.    Ensure hand sanitizer and appropriate protective gloves are made available throughout each site and office, as necessary.

F.    Encourage respiratory etiquette, including covering mouth and or nose when coughing and/or sneezing. Cover the mouth and nose with a tissue. If a tissue is not immediately available cough or sneeze into your sleeve, not your hands.

G.   Post additional signage throughout office location and work areas to raise awareness.

H.   Minimize the number of employees working within a certain area of a (6 feet of physical distance to be maintained at all times as much as possible, masks worn).

I.      Use daily task analysis or job hazard analysis forms to communicate the seriousness of this situation and the protection measures necessary.

J.     Ensure employees don’t share tools or work areas; if this take place ensure the tools/areas are disinfected after use.

K.    Ensure routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces including the following: door handles, elevator buttons, all surfaces, equipment, and tool handles.

L.    Use shift-work to minimize the number of employees working within certain areas.

M.   Stagger break and lunch time to avoid employees from gathering in one location.

N.   Meetings to be call-in/video conference as opposed to “in-person” meetings wherever possible; this includes both office and field meetings.  Any meeting or training session attended by employees must provide for physical distancing of 6 feet.

O.   Eliminate gathering of more than 10 people, including: breaks, lunch, and meetings.  If call-in/video meeting is not feasible and more than ten employees are involved in a meeting, procedures must be followed to minimize contact. Subject to the most current State and County protocols.

a.    Seats placed at least 6 feet apart in all directions.

b.    Hand wipes be provided

c.     Each employee will be assigned a place to sit.

d.    Handwashing will be encouraged and sanitizer will be provided.

e.    Gloves will be available.

f.      Masks or faces shields be provided and will be required while inside the building.

P.    Rotate work schedules where appropriate and possible. Appropriate schedules could include:

a.    Staggered start and ending times

b.    AM/PM schedule

c.     Alternating days

Q.   Minimize number of employees at a work location based on the size of the work location. No more than five (5) people per 1000 square feet inside a building.

R.   Limit organization vehicle use to one (1) employee and no passengers.

S.    Encourage employees not to carpool unless they are members of the same household.

T.    Eliminate physical greetings such as a handshake or hug.

U.   Encourage personnel to use the stairs, not the elevator unless personal health or disability prohibits the practice.

V.    Limit the number of individuals riding in an elevator and ensure the use of face coverings. Post signage regarding these policies.

W.  Implement measures to ensure physical distancing of at least six feet between workers and customers. This can include use of physical partitions or visual cues (e.g., floor markings or signs to indicate to where employees should stand).

X.    Utilize telework options and modified work schedules where applicable.

Y.    Offer workers who request modified duties options that minimize their contact with customers and other employees (e.g., managing inventory or managing administrative needs through telework).

Z.    Redesign office spaces, cubicles, etc. and decrease the capacity for conference and meeting to ensure workspaces allow for six feet between employees.

AA. Close or restrict common areas, using barriers, or increasing physical distance between tables/chairs where personnel are likely to congregate and interact, such as kitchenettes and break rooms, and discourage employees from congregating in high traffic areas such as bathrooms, hallways, and stairwells.

BB. Establish directional hallways and passageways for foot traffic, if possible, to eliminate employees from passing by one another.

CC. Dedicate staff to direct guests to meeting rooms upon entry to office space rather than congregating in lobbies or common areas.

DD. Install production transfer-aiding materials, such as shelving and bulletin boards, to reduce person-to-person production hand-offs.

3.4       Employees

A.    Follow all aspects of this policy.

B.    Adhere to all Manager and Supervisor responsibilities for protection guidelines.

C.   Submit a daily written and documented wellness check and provide to your manager or supervisor on a daily each day before starting work.


4.    Employee Training


4.1             VICTOR VALLEY UHSD employee training for COVID-19 includes the following topics:

·         How to prevent Covid-19 from spreading in the workplace.

·         Health conditions that put individuals at a higher risk of contracting and becoming more susceptible to the virus.

·         Home self-screening and symptom checks as outlined in the CDC guidelines.

·         Stay at home protocol for employees that are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms which include frequent cough, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat and/or recent loss of taste or smell.

·         Procedures when an employee has come into a family member, friend or acquaintance that has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

·         Protocol to seek Medical attention when symptoms become severe, including persistent pain or pressure in the chest, confusion, or bluish lips or face. Updates and further details are available on CDC’s webpage.

·         Hygiene practices to include frequent handwashing with soap and water, including scrubbing with soap for 20 seconds (or using hand sanitizer with at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol when employees cannot get to a sink or handwashing station, per CDC guidelines).

·         VICTOR VALLEY UHSD physical and social distance policies which require a minimum of 6 feet distancing from any employee or individual. As well as the importance of adhering to physical distancing practices while on and off work (see Physical Distancing section below).

·         Proper use of face coverings, including:

o   Face coverings do not protect the wearer and are not personal protective equipment (PPE).

o   Face coverings can help protect people near the wearer, but do not replace the need for physical distancing and frequent handwashing.

o   Employees should wash or sanitize hands before and after using or adjusting face coverings.

o   Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.

o   Face coverings should be washed after each shift.

·         Ensure temporary or contract workers at the facility are also properly trained in COVID-19 prevention policies and have necessary PPE. Discuss these responsibilities ahead of time with organizations supplying temporary and/or contract workers.

·         Information on employer or government-sponsored leave benefits the employee may be entitled to receive that would make it financially easier to stay at home. See additional information on employee’s sick leave rights under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. See Personnel, Asst Superintendent, Human Resources and Director, Classified Personnel.

4.2       Updates as required to maintain compliance with the CDC, local health department, OSHA and any other State or Federal agencies.

4.3       Documentation and reporting requirements.

5.    Individual Screening Measures


5.1          All workers will be screened at the beginning of their shift as will vendors, contractors, or other workers entering the establishment.  The following control and screening measures are preformed: Temperature taking at each site and district complex buildings. Anyone entering VVUHSD facilities, including staff and visitors,  are required to answer two COVID-19 protocol questions regarding their current health status:

Have you had a fever of 100.4F or more in the last 72 hours?

Have you had any cold, flu, or COVID-19 symptoms in the last 72 Hours?