Bus Routes
On this page, you will find the route/stop lists for each of the schools that we service. Click on the appropriate link near the bottom of this page for your student's school of attendance.
Please note that we only provide transportation for those students that live outside of our established non-transport zones and that reside within their school's attendance boundaries. Transportation is not available to those on inter or intradistrict transfers. Parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for the transportation of students that are covered by such transfers.
If you are not certain which school is correct for your address, copy the web address below and paste it into your browsers address bar, this will take you to our School Site Finder.
My School Locator for VVUHSD
If you cannot locate your address with the School Site Finder, we will be happy to assist you by calling us here at the Transportation Services Department at (760) 955-3450.
Please click on the files below to preview the schedules and click again to open the file/document.