Victor Valley Union High School District
16350 Mojave Drive
Victorville, CA 92395
Phone: (760) 955-3201
Fax: (760) 245-4634

Buss Pass Application

The links below will provide you with a printable bus pass application. Applications are available in both English and Spanish.

To apply for a bus pass, print the appropriate application and submit it to us by any of the following means;

1. Fax your application to the Transportation Services Department at (760) 955-2923 or,
2. Have your student give it to the bus driver and they will deliver it to us or,
3. Visit us, in person, at 14801 South Mojave Drive in Victorville.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call Ms. Carla Sarabia at 760-955-3201 x10102

First page of the PDF file: Bus_Pass_App_English
First page of the PDF file: Bus_Pass_App_Spanish