Victor Valley Union High School District
16350 Mojave Drive
Victorville, CA 92395
Phone: (760) 955-3201
Fax: (760) 245-4634

Work Experience


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Summer Work Permits

   Work Permits are not issued until you are hired for a job.

The employer MUST  fill out the employer section of the form before a permit can be issued. 

Please fill out the completed work permit application (can be printed from the forms section) and turn it into the District Office. 

Located at 16350 Mojave Drive, Victorville

Open Monday thru Friday.

7:30 AM to 4 PM


Welcome to the VVUHSD Work Experience page where you will be able to find information about this great program. 


  • An elective course for student whom have jobs or are seeking employment..
  • A unique program that is designed to link the school curriculum (WE class) with the world of work (your job).
  • Students in the program earn high school credit by attending a weekly class that teaches job skills, habits, and attitudes conducive to employment success.
  • A program that assists students to choose a career wisely, prepare for full-time employment suited to their abilities and interests, and learn to work with others in successful and rewarding ways.



       A student must:

  • Maintain a 2.0 GPA
  • Have good attendance at school
  • Be enrolled in four district classes
  • Be able to work or volunteer outside of their normal school day and weekends. 


  • A student in Work Experience can:
  • Earn school credit for working.
  • A WE student can work a maximum of 36 hours per week.
  • Learn knowledge, skills, work habits and attitudes necessary for successful job performance.
  • Develop a sense of responsibility and self-reliance through supervised, paid and unpaid employment experiences.



  • Complete the required Work Experience forms that will be given to you by your instructor.
  • Attend the Work Experience class once a week and complete class assignments.
  • Submit weekly time cards signed by the work site supervisor verifying hours worked.
  • Average at least 10 to 20 hours of work per week



  • Labor Laws for Minors
  • Occupational Safety Training
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Payroll Deductions and Pay Stubs
  • Income Taxes
  • Customer Service Skills
  • Career Exploration
  • Employment Skills
  • Economic Awareness
  • How to Properly Leave a Job
  • And more…