Program Goals

Academic Success

  • Equal access to core curriculum
  • High expectations and yearly progress towards achieving and maintaining proficiency in core academic areas
  • Content-based instruction provided by highly qualified teachers that is specifically designed to enable English Learners to achieve academic success in the core curriculum
  • Provide high quality, sustained, professional development to classroom teachers, principals, administrators, and other school or community-based personnel that is intended to improve instruction and assessment of English Learners

English Proficiency

  • Each English Learner receives an intensive, systemic program of instruction in English Language Development in order to develop proficiency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible.
  • English Learners receive daily English Language Development that is specifically identified within the curriculum of the school district, and is supported by high-quality instructional materials, instructional time, and professional development for teachers (California Reading/Language Arts Framework, 2006).
  • To insure rapid progress, the English Learners’ English acquisition is carefully monitored yearly through the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) and site review of academic achievement.
  • English Language Development Standards are used to supplement the English-Language Arts Content Standards to insure English Learners develop proficiency in both the English language and the concepts and skills contained in the English-Language Arts Content Standards.

Self Worth

  • Curriculum and instruction is culturally and linguistically responsive to students
  • Cultural diversity is honored and celebrated throughout the district
  • All students are given full access to core curriculum in a positive and challenging learning environment
  • Students are given opportunities to demonstrate competency and are challenged to high expectations