Educational Term Glossary
Please see links below:
Glossary of Educational terms and Acronyms used in the Victor Valley Union High School District Local
Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
- A- G Courses….Classes in a high school that are accepted for college entrance for both the University of California and the California State University systems.
- AP…Advanced Placement courses are offered in high school and conclude with an end of the year exam. Student who score a 3 or better on the exams are eligible for college credit for the course.
- API…Academic Performance Index is the state of California measure of academic growth within a schoolyear. The point system ranges from 200 to 1000 with a target of 800 expected for schools.
- At promise pupils…students who have the potential to achieve better when given assistance.
- Bridge Programs…Special programs offered for students entering in grade 7 and 9 to assist in making as moother transition to middle and high school.
- CAASPP…California Assessment of Student performance and Progress is the new state achievement measurement. Replacing the old STAR, CAASPP will include the new Smarter Balanced assessment taken annually.
- CABE…California Association of Bilingual Educators
- CAHSEE California High School Exit Exam…Beginning in tenth grade, students in the state have an opportunity to take and pass the state test as a requirement for high school graduation.
- CALPADS…California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System is a statewide on-line system that provides student identification and demographics for district and state use.
- CCSS…Common Core State Standards
- COE…County Office of Education
- Credit Recovery…An opportunity for students to re-gain credits towards graduation.
- CWA…Child Welfare and Attendance
- DAC…District Advisory Committee consists of parents that serve as an advisory body to the district.
- DELAC…District English Learner Advisory Committee consists of parents that serve as an advisory body concerning interests pertaining to English Learners
- Destination College…a Partnership between the district and UC Berkeley that fosters student engagement and awareness in getting ready for college.
- EL…English Learners
- ELA…English Language Arts
- ELD…English Language Development
- FAFSA...Free Application for Federal Student Aide
- Foster youth…Students who are placed in foster homes. This is a new sub-group for all districts in the state of California.
- FTE…Full time equivalency (full time employee)
- Gas to go to Class… A program offered by Victorville Motors to promote perfect attendance by offering a chance for those with perfect attendance a free car.
- INSPECT…An online item bank of questions for teacher selection and examination creation. It allows students to take tests online similar to how they will experience the new state tests.
- LEA…Local Education Agency is a district, school or county office.
- LCAP…Local Control Accountability Plan
- LCFF…Local Control Funding Formula is new way in which districts receive funding
- Low income pupil…New term for students who are eligible for free and reduced lunch
- Mod-Severe… An identification of a pupil whose disability is identified as Moderate to Severe.
- NGSS…Next Generation Science Standards
- Para-professional… An instructional assistant or aide working with a teacher to support student learning.
- Parent Portal…is part of both Aeries and School City data systems. Portals allow parents to access student achievement data online.
- PBIS...Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports is a school-wide initiative that sets forth high expectations for students and at the same time offers positive supports to correct misbehaviors.
- PBL…Project-based Learning is hands on real world application learning in a classroom setting
- PD…Professional Development
- RFEP…Reclassified Fluent English Proficient student
- ROP…Regional Occupational Program
- SBAC…Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium is one of two online testing platforms nationwide. California has selected this testing consortium.
- SPSA…Single Plan for School Achievement outlines the steps and funding a school will take in order to improve and support student achievement.
- SST…Student Support Team is composed of a group of educators who collaborative arrive at decisions to assist students who are at promise in achievement or behavior.
- School City…is an online student data system that has accessible portals for teacher, parent and student access to monitor student achievement.
- Title I…A federal funding source for the district that is apportioned to assist students that are economically disadvantage.
- Title II…A federal funding source that districts use to support teacher professional development.
- VVUHSD…Victor Valley Union High School District
- WestEd…A California-based, highly regarded, educational research and consulting firm.