Homeless Assistance Act - McKinney Vento
Homeless Education Program
Homelessness is not a crime!
Am I a McKinney Vento student?
A student is a McKinney-Vento youth (youth experiencing homelessness) if they lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This includes students who are:
What rights do I have as a McKinney Vento student?
McKinney Vento students have the right to:
● Click here to view all the McKinney-Vento Educational Rights.
Why does my school/district need to know about my situation?
It is crucial that we are able to identify our students in these scenarios to offer support, which includes but is not limited to enrollment support, transportation, food, clothing, technology assistance (including devices and internet), academic support, and staff support.
Homelessness is not a crime! Information provided to the school district on a student's or family's living situation is confidential and is only used to determine the educational rights of students, supports, and services.
Who can I talk to about my living situation?
You can talk to your teacher, counselor, family engagement liaison, mental health clinician, admin, or anyone on campus about your situation. Resources are available to you and your family. You can also contact the district McKinney Vento team for additional support. Please see below:
VVUHSD District McKinney-Vento Liaisons:
San Bernardino County Homeless Education Program Coordinator:
State Homeless Coordinator:
School Site Support:
Adelanto |
Natalie Garcia |
Mental Health Clinician |
nagarcia@vvuhsd.org |
Adelanto |
Lizette Camacho |
Mental Health Clinician |
lcamacho@vvuhsd.org |
Adelanto |
Rosalynn Pineda |
Family Engagement Liaison |
rpineda@vvuhsd.org |
Amber Bettley |
Mental Health Clinician |
abettley@vvuhsd.org |
Melissa Baltierra |
Family Engagement Liaison |
mbaltierra@vvuhsd.org |
Goodwill |
Marsadez Troupe |
Mental Health Clinician |
mtroupe@vvuhsd.org |
Hook |
Caroline Reyna |
Mental Health Clinician |
creyna@vvuhsd.org |
Hook |
Ruth Avila Ocampo |
Family Engagement Liaison |
ravilaocampo@vvuhsd.org |
Lakeview |
Helena Sjullie |
Mental Health Clinician |
hsjullie@vvuhsd.org |
Lakeview |
Donovan Botelho |
Family Engagement Liaison |
dbotelho@vvuhsd.org |
Larrea |
Quiana Roberts |
Mental Health Clinician |
qroberts@vvuhsd.org |
Larrea |
Maria Mercado |
Family Engagement Liaison |
mmercado@vvuhsd.org |
Silverado |
Nyree Watson |
Mental Health Clinician |
nwatson@vvuhsd.org |
Silverado |
Lynda Anderson |
Mental Health Clinician |
ldanderson@vvuhsd.org |
Silverado |
Nancy Martinez |
Mental Health Clinician |
nmartinez@vvuhsd.org |
UP |
Edna Rodriguez |
Mental Health Clinician |
erodriguez@vvuhsd.org |
UP |
Maria Neri |
Family Engagement Liaison |
mneri@vvuhsd.org |
Victor |
Vanessa Palacios |
Mental Health Clinician |
vpalacios@vvuhsd.org |
Victor |
Yuriyah Manus |
Mental Health Clinician |
ymanus@vvuhsd.org |
Victor |
Veronica Ginorio |
Family Engagement Liaison |
vginorio@vvuhsd.org |