This is a collection of various resources and informative articles for parents, guardians and the community during our extended closure due to COVID-19.
A list of local resources for families, including food and other supports, compiled by district staff (in English and Spanish):
Family Resources.pdf
Recursos Familiares.pdf
Guidance for parents and caregivers during the extended closure, compiled by VVUHSD staff:
For Parents and Caregivers During School Closures.pdf
An article by VVUHSD counselor Carrie Bershee about supporting children during this difficult time:
COVID-19 fact sheet and tips for stopping the spread of the virus from the Centers for Disease Control:
Guidance on how to talk to children about COVID-19 from the National Association of School Psychologists and the National Association of School Nurses, in English and Spanish:
Guidance on coping with stress during infections disease outbreaks from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration:
coping with stress during infectious disease outbreaks.pdf
Tips on coping with stress and helping children cope with street from the World Health Organization: