AUP-Student Pledge
Student Acceptable Use Policy and Guidelines
The Victor Valley Union High School District (VVUHSD) has implemented technology in all areas of the school environment. Excellence in education requires that technology is seamlessly integrated throughout the instructional program. The individual or collaborative use of classroom and take-home devices is one strategy to empower students to maximize their full potential, as well as prepare them for college and career.
To this end, VVUHSD provides a wide range of technology resources for student use within the classroom and at home. Student devices are to be used solely for educational purposes. This policy outlines appropriate use and prohibited activities. Each student is expected to follow the rules and conditions listed in this document, as well as any directions or guidelines given by VVUHSD teachers, substitutes, administrators, and staff.
Mandatory Review
To educate students on expectations for responsible use of the VVUHSD electronic network, students are required to review this agreement each school year. Additionally, employees supervising students who use the VVUHSD electronic network shall provide training emphasizing its appropriate use. All District students shall acknowledge receipt and understanding of this Agreement and shall agree in an electronic form to comply with the same. The parent/legal guardian will also be notified of student responsibilities.
AUP and Pledge for VVUHSD Technology
Please review with your student: