Preparing for the Interview
Below are some tips that we believe will assist you in being prepared for your interview.
- Collect information about the position for which you are interviewing. Review the job description and the job announcement.
- The questions will be related to knowledge, skills, and abilities required for the job; therefore, use the above documents to think of potential questions and rehearse answers. Decide which parts of your background and experience are most important for this position.
- If speaking in front of others makes you nervous, practice.
- Have friends and family members quiz you.
- When answering questions, be as succinct and clear as possible. Do not use acronyms or slang.
- Listen carefully to the question. If you don’t understand, feel free to ask for the question to be repeated. After you have heard the question, work out an answer that will make sense without waiting too long. Don’t give an answer just because you think a panel member wants to hear it – express yourself honestly.
- If you know a panel member, don’t try to hide it. Chances are that the panel member has told the others you are acquainted and they will expect you to act as if you are not strangers.
- Interviewers may be subconsciously influenced by the physical appearance of an applicant during the interview even if they are explicitly instructed to disregard attire. Use your best judgment when deciding what to wear for your interview.
- Relax and look comfortable without slouching in your chair.
- Maintain an effective level of eye contact with panel members.
- Remember that this is an examination and NOT a hiring interview. Everyone will be asked the same questions in the same order. How you answer the questions will determine your score on the interview.
- If you are a current employee of the District keep in mind that the interviewers on panels may be from outside organizations, other school districts, retirees, or internal employees and do not know about your qualifications. It may useful to pretend that you are talking to complete strangers and want to put your best effort into your presentation. Your interview will be scored based ONLY on the information you present during the interview.