Victor Valley Union High School District
16350 Mojave Drive
Victorville, CA 92395
Phone: (760) 955-3201
Fax: (760) 245-4634

Parent Volunteers

Thank you for your interest in becoming a parent volunteer. Parent Volunteer programs are school site based and volunteer opportunities are unique to each school site.
The process for volunteers are as follows:
  1. Parents/Guardians interested in being a volunteer must make contact with the school site Principal or Family Engagement Liaison in order to determine the available volunteer opportunities at their child's school site. Parents/Guardians may only volunteer at the school in which their child is enrolled. 
  2. Once the meeting has taken place, the parent/guardian will be provided a link to the electronic Parent Volunteer application. The application must be filled out completely by the volunteer and forwarded to the school site Principal. 
  3. Once approved by the site Principal, Human Resources will contact the parent/guardian for a background clearance. 
  4. Once cleared the parent/guardian will be provided a district volunteer badge. 
The Parent Volunteer form must be submitted yearly and volunteer badges are good until the end of the school year. Volunteers must have a valid California ID and current TB certification at all times.
Parent Volunteer clearance may be suspended and/or revoked at the discretion of the school site Principal and Human Resources.